The first ever Timeplast bottle
And voilà; this is the first ever Timeplast bottle made using conventional industrial/mass-manufacturing procedures and machinery without a single modification.

Timeplast thermoformed and injected!
Dear all! We're 31 days away from our Reg CF's closing date and we're very excited to announce that we were able to manufacture the first ever Timeplast's spoons using calcium carbonate as a filler.

True circular economy with Timeplast’s Pabyss?
Pabyss is a device made to rapidly and molecularly disintegrate all materials made by Timeplast regardless of their expiration date. Pabyss has two functions “Discharge”.

Key differences between Timeplast and the rest of materials
Chemical recycling is the only actual circular recycling process, in which the polymer chain is broken and cleaned before being reconstituted into a new plastic, however chemical recycling of a non-soluble plastic is a very difficult task, which uses toxic solvents and energy-intense processes, which renders unviable and financially ineffective any true scalability of said chemical recycling process.

Timeplast in Europe
Dear all, last week Timeplast was an expositor at Equiplast, Spain's largest plastic convention. Among the successes, we had the opportunity to speak at the inaugural set of presentations, we were invited by the European government to study our transformational chemical pathways in the only Electrons' Accelerator in Spain.

$3M raised!
We'd like to take a moment to thank all of our investors who have catapulted Timeplast to currently being at the forefront of the top 5 most funded campaigns in equity crowdfunding in the world.

Timeplast could be the invention of the century
Layne Kilpatrick, a well-known Pharmacist with over 20 years of experience in clinical hormone management, and a popular influencer in the topic of hormone disruptors, has made a video about Timeplast, and its eye opener.

Kristen Bell and Timeplast
Kristen Bell announced the introduction of Timeplast's predegradation technology into their products' bottles!

Does Timeplast have patents?
Yes, we have several patents granted by the USPTO, and around the world. Even when our patents are very important, we don’t believe they still represent the entirety of our technology, not even close. Having said that we have 100% success rate of approval by the USPTO In terms of application:grant.

Is Timeplast better than recycling?
Recapturing plastic at 100% for burning, gasification or mechanical/chemical recycling will never happen, and even if we were to recycle all of our waste, (an impossibility), eventually earth will deal with the entirety of our materials, recycled or not.

Is Timeplast toxic?
One of the most frequently asked questions we get is; If Timeplast dissolves in water, it obviously hasn’t disappeared given that matter never disappears. So are you now creating liquid plastics or leaving behind toxic byproducts?

Did Timeplast invent water soluble plastics?
No, we didn’t invent water soluble plastics. PVA for example (dishwasher pods film material), was invented back in 1924, yet have you ever seen a mass commercial implementation of PVA?

Water soluble water bottles?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions, how can a water soluble material be used to replace conventional plastics given that so many of them are being used in contact with liquids and/or water?

Over $2M raised!
We are incredibly excited to announce that our company has reached a new milestone; over $2M raised and with more than 3,000 investors. Timeplast has now become one of the most funded companies currently living in Start Engine.

Factory tour for investors!
Dear all.
We're excited to announce that our second factory tour will take place on Friday, April the 14th at 10:00am ET.

Timeplast keeps discovering uncharted territories
Dear all,
At Timeplast, last month was incredibly busy as well as truly beneficial for our company.
We accomplished the manufacturing of the first ever Timeplast blown film for produce bags, the first ever inject-molded disposable knives, the first ever Timeplast instant coffee capsules, T-shirt/grocery bags, food wrap.

First ever injection molding piece made at a conventional industrial facility with Timeplast
Another busy week at Timeplast with successful trials in injection molding.